Social Media Contest

Your old tech deserves a second life! #ALBAEWaste Song Challenge

Join us in celebrating International E-Waste Day with the #ALBAEWaste Song Challenge! Here’s your chance to unleash your creativity and be one of two winners to receive Capitaland vouchers worth $1,000 by adding your own lyrics to our jingle. Let's make recycling fun and memorable!

Steps to participate

  1. Watch the video: Head over to our Facebook and Instagram page and check out the official #ALBAEWaste jingle reel.
  2. Create your remix: Use the Facebook/Instagram Remix features to add your own lyrics to the jingle. Make it fun and original!
  3. Official hashtags: Ensure your video includes the hashtags #ALBAEWaste and #ALBASongChallenge.
  4. Submit your entry: Post your remixed video on Facebook by 30th September 2024.
  5. [Bonus points: Incorporate data security protection in your lyrics to earn extra points!]

Judging Criteria

  • Creativity and originality of lyrics
  • Relevance to the theme
  • Inclusion of data security protection
  • Overall engagement (likes, shares, comments)


  • Prize: Two winners will be chosen to receive CapitaLand vouchers worth $1,000 each.
  • Eligibility: Open to residents of Singapore.
  • Content: Lyrics must be original and relevant to E-Waste recycling.
  • Language: English is preferred, but entries in other languages with English subtitles are welcome.
  • Duration: The reel should not exceed 2 minutes.
  • Submission: Ensure your post is public and includes the required hashtags.

Farewell Old Friend! #ALBAEWaste Photo Challenge

Celebrate International E-Waste Day with our #ALBAEWaste Photo Challenge! Share a photo of an electronic item that holds a special place in your heart and tell us its story for a chance to win. Five winners will be selected to receive CapitaLand vouchers worth $100 each. Let's cherish our devices and promote responsible recycling!


  1. Photo requirements: Capture a clear photo of your actual electronic item in front of an ALBA E-Waste bin.
  2. Caption requirements: Tell the story of how this item has impacted your life. Whether it helped you through a long semester, made chores easier, or lit up your darkest moments, we want to hear it!
  3. Official hashtags: Include #ALBAEWaste and #ALBAPhotoChallenge in your post.
  4. Submission deadline: Submit your entry by 30th September 2024.

Submission steps

  • Take a photo: Snap a photo of your cherished item in front of an ALBA E-Waste bin.
  • Write a caption: Share its story and what it means to you.
  • Post and tag: Post your photo and caption on Facebook/Instagram with the official contest hashtags.
  • Submit your entry: Make sure your post is public and submit it by 30th September 2024.

Additional guidelines

  • Prize: Five winners will be chosen to receive CapitaLand vouchers worth $100 each.
  • Eligibility: Open to residents of Singapore.
  • Content: Photos and captions must be original and relevant to e-waste recycling.
  • Language: English is preferred, but entries in other languages with English translations are welcome.